Avalanche Dreams – A Memoir of Skiing, Climbing and Life

Avalanche Dreams front cover. Portrait of the author, Canadian Rocky Mountains, 1974. Background, where else but Denali? (Don Peterson snapped the portrait.)
Hello everyone. It’s published! The book begins with youthful days in Texas and Aspen, then takes a trek though my years of balancing family with my life as a climber and ski alpinist.
Praise for Avalanche Dreams:
“Scant months after Lou Dawson — widely known for his brilliant ‘Wild Snow’ blog — was released from the hospital after a near-death plunge in a backcountry avalanche, you will find the author of this compelling bildungsroman bivouacking in a snowcave atop Colorado’s highest peak. Or, as he writes: ‘…dipping into the backcountry terrain behind Aspen Mountain ski area, solo, during high-risk avalanche days. The first of those turns were bliss, back in the saddle and all.’ Yet ultimately it is the story of his transition to family life, through a brutally honest narrative, that makes Dawson’s Avalanche Dreams a stellar snow crystal amid the pantheon of adventure literature.”
—JON WATERMAN, author of Surviving Denali, as well as National Geographic’s Atlas of the National Parks, and Atlas of Wild America
“For any American climber or skier, Avalanche Dreams will be required reading — not just for the great tales of legendary ascents and descents, but for the stuff in between. Dawson’s life, in which he learns to balance his calling to danger with his desire to forge meaningful relationships, holds lessons beyond snow and rock.”
— MICHAEL LEVY, New York Times contributor, Climbing magazine contributor, Summit Journal editor in chief
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Photo montage above previews a few of the more than eighty images that illustrate Avalanche Dreams.