Lou’s News #13 — New Eats and Maps, Marble, Colorado
Hi All,
Apologies for the radio silence over the past months.
A couple things delayed my newslettering pace. For starters, my mail software, Mailer Lite, instigated an upgrade that required users to do their own migration. It was fiddly, a disincentive, so I procrastinated. On top of that was our son’s wedding, a DIY affair that fully engaged Lisa and I for a good couple of weeks. Then, the day after our return from the matrimonial fiesta, I strapped on my tool belt for more than a month. Since then, with Lisa’s help, I’ve tackled a heavy dose of deferred maintenance on our home. A few more chunks of wood, a little sheet metal, paint, and we’re done.
Things are less hectic now. Soon I’ll be back in the office full time. Or maybe not quite full time; there’s snow on the ground.
So, a bit of news. Many of you newsletter readers are familiar with the Marble, Colorado backcountry skiing zone. As of a few weeks ago, the area has its own map from Beacon Guidebooks. Their timing is good. The area is mobbed, not a secret, so it’s good to get everyone on the same page with run names, parking issues and so forth.

New skiers’ map for Marble, Colorado
Continuing the Marble, Colorado theme: big news is the Raspberry Ridge Cafe will remain open throughout winter, catering to snow lovers. For info, browse innatraspberryridge.com. Photo below shows just some of the tasty swag — extraordinary burritos are the main event. Stop in and show your support. And if you’re from out of town, book a room.

Eats at Raspberry Inn, Marble, Colorado.
As for book news, memoirs and such, the projects continue. We still plan on publishing sometime this coming winter. Stay tuned.